Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another update so soon? What is this sorcery!

So you guys all saw the last demo we presented over here, and maybe you were getting exited to play more?

Fear not! Just look at the tabs above. We will now keep the game in its current state playable right here.
Edit: The demo came across some virus infestation, so the link will be removed until further notice.
This will be our last playable demo now for a while, but we will still keep you all updated over here and twitter @SA_TheGame.

You may enounter some sound problems if you play it on Firefox, you have been warned.

Have fun playing the demo, and remember to give us your thoughts at any of these places:
ScrewAttack The Game: Playable NOW! - Pre-Alpha In-Browser Stress Test
Our inboxes.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The number is 4

So it has been a little while since our last update at October 1st, and I believe all of you interested might want to know a little of what's been going on with this project since then.

 I'd like to start off by revealing our fourth and newest member on the team, the Death Battle animator himself - Mr Lange.
Now with another member on the team you might be able to expect a slight increase in the frequency of our updates to you guys. And possibly more awesome stuff coming your way, just like this picture:

So today we released an early playable version of the Flossman-game that is later on going to be a part of the full SA game experience, while still being a game large enough to be released on it's own, being one of many possibly unexpected things to come.

You can find the game here - http://www.mcgunngames.site50.net
Use the arrow keys to move,
Z - Jump and X - Shoot.

You may encounter some audio hiccups when playing it on Firefox that we have been informed of, but do share your thoughts on the game and what you think we could improve, or what you think this game might need.

((You can choose to do so here: http://www.screwattack.com/node/3073546))

And with that I'll leave you all to speculate on how could this possibly be connected to the story of ScrewAttack the game, and why it is to be included.
The comment section is always open for thoughts and conversations.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October update.

Hello there reader, I assume you came here from the October Development Blog.

If you didn't, go give it a read, it summarises various things you can expect to see in the future.

 Do check back every once in a while, as we plan to have the game up and playable in your browser soon

Friday, September 14, 2012


Welcome to the blog of the unofficial ScrewAttack game, where we will share pieces of our progress with you, the g1's. Because this game is all about ScrewAttack, and what would ScrewAttack be without you.

Of course we will still keep you up to speed over at the main site with all the major announcements.

If you have any questions or suggestions please refer to the contacts page above.

Thank you for reading, and if you are reading this during a break, watch out for Craig.